WATDA Monitors both state and federal regulatory agency activity.  We work with many agencies including:

  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Revenue
  • Department of Financial Institutions
  • Insurance, Office of the Commissioner
  • Department of Natural Resources
  • Department of Administration
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Health and Family Services
  • Department of Agriclture, Trade and Consumer Protection
  • Department of Justice (Attorney General)
  • Department of Commerce

 WATDA utilizes the following programs to coordinate political giving and political action.

Visit: Wisconsin State Legislature 

Conduit (WATDA Direct Giver's Fund) - Contributions made to the Direct Giver's Fund must be made by personal check and an account on the individual's name is then established.  Contribution to the candidate or political entity is done with the permission of and in the name of the original contributor.

NADA PAC (formerly the Dealers Election Action Committee, or DEAC) - NADA's political action committee and represents the interests of all franchised dealers of new cars and trucks by supporting pro-dealer congressional candidates of both political parties. Contributions go directly to NADA.  Contributions must be made by personal check or credit card.

Legal Action Fund - The Legal Action Fund provides financial support at the appellate court level in cases where outcome would hold strong precedent for all dealers.

NADA Support/Interface - WATDA works closely with NADA at the national level.